Monday, March 08, 2010


99. Az-Zalzalah


Come domsday, the world will shake as if there is a great earthwake and everything will be out of place. The population will be greatly surprised and frightened.

This is an indicatation that Allah had decided to end the world.

Subsequently, we will be awaken in our graves and be told of the good deeds that we do while living in this world. So do with our bad doings.

The good deeds however small it is will be indicated in a book we receive.

Our bad doings, however small it can be will also be shown in the same book.

The rewards and punishment awaiting thereon.

"Be ready for thereafter"


[1] Apabila bumi digegarkan dengan gegaran yang sedahsyat-dahsyatnya,

[2] Serta bumi itu mengeluarkan segala isinya,

[3] Dan berkatalah manusia (dengan perasaan gerun); “Apa yang sudah terjadi kepada bumi?”

[4] Pada hari itu bumipun menceritakan khabar beritanya:

[5] Bahawa Tuhanmu telah memerintahnya (berlaku demikian).

[6] Pada hari itu manusia akan keluar berselerak (dari kubur masing-masing) - untuk diperlihatkan kepada mereka (balasan) amal-amal mereka.

[7] Maka sesiapa berbuat kebajikan seberat zarah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya)!

[8] Dan sesiapa berbuat kejahatan seberat zarah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amal nya)!

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