Saturday, March 06, 2010


105. AL-FIIL

King Abrahah was jealous when Mecca still remains the centre of attraction for the people around the region. So he planned to attack Mecca to distroy Mecca's main attraction, the Kaabah. They came with his army and elephants.

However, instead of attacking Mecca to distroy the Kaabah, his army was attacked by successive waves of birds dropping stones on them. His army lost everything as the stones were not ordinary and had caused death and mass distruction.

It was Allah who sent the birds dropping these special stones.

Mecca and the Kaabah was thus saved. The leader for Mecca had earlier had given up hope of saving Mecca and tha Kaabah as Abrahah's army was too strong for them. Their only hope is Allah's help which they seek and was given.

[1] Tidakkah engkau mengetahui bagaimana Tuhanmu telah melakukan kepada angkatan tentera (yang dipimpin oleh pembawa) Gajah, (yang hendak meruntuhkan Kaabah)?

[2] Bukankah Tuhanmu telah menjadikan rancangan jahat mereka dalam keadaan yang rugi dan memusnahkan mereka?

[3] Dan Ia telah menghantarkan kepada mereka (rombongan) burung berpasuk-pasukan, -

Yang melontar mereka dengan batu-batu dari sejenis tanah yang dibakar keras, -

Lalu Ia menjadikan mereka hancur berkecai seperti daun-daun kayu yang dimakan ulat.

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