We have to confirm and rely on Allah who charish the universe, privider of everything for mankind. And for free.
He controls everything and all are within His sights and knowledge. He knows every leaf that falls from trees and all the whereabouts of all livings and dead. In fact none is within the knowledge of Allah.
Allah is the only one that we prey to seek forgiveness and guidance. We are dependent on Him.
It is aslo He that we seek help against the mischief and whispers of Syaitan and its associates. And the whispers that stays in our hearts of human and the Jinns.
The Syaitans and its associates are enemies of men which at all times seek ways and means, to deviate humans from tha right path set by Allah. So humans have to be always aware of its whispers and tricks leading us the the wrong path.
Syaitans hate hearing that Al Quran and the Azan (player calls). Reading the Al Quran and the azan will cause them to disappear fron our sight. But be mindful that they are ready to come back to you to deviate you to follow them, to Hell.
Their associates were mainly humans and jinns.
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