Saturday, February 27, 2010

113. Al-Falaq

113. AL- FALAQ

Dawn is the transition period between the darkness of the night and light of the day. With the initial rays of the sun life will begin to be more active. Men and other living creatures will start a new day looking imputs to continur living. Birds will fly away from their nests with and empty stomach looking for food to feed themselves and their young offsprings. Other creatures will do the same, with the exception of some like the owl and the bats, which hunt their food during the night and rest themselves during the day.

The change of activty at dawn may pose some danger to us which we may not be aware of. That is why it is proposed we rely on Allah to safeguard us from these dangers.

Is may be just like early morning traffic in the big cities where every body starts rushing to be out of their homes for work or doing other errants. Could we see the havoc they create on the roads?

These are the "mischiefs" created by humans. What about the other mischiefs originated fron the effects of the darkness? By humans and non-humans. We do fear the darkness and its effects.

So God, help us. We are dependent on Him for guidance and protection. As He iwho cherish the world and The provider.

We also seek Allah's protection againt the mischief of humans and the jinns who practices their black magics.

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