Sunday, February 28, 2010

112. AL - IKLAS



There is only one God and no other God, and He is Allah.

He is without beginning and without end and last forever. And is perfect.

He has no father neither off spring. And there is no others like him.

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “(Tuhanku) ialah Allah Yang Maha Esa; Allah Yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat; Ia tiada beranak, dan Ia pula tidak diperanakkan; Dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang serupa denganNya”.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

113. Al-Falaq

113. AL- FALAQ

Dawn is the transition period between the darkness of the night and light of the day. With the initial rays of the sun life will begin to be more active. Men and other living creatures will start a new day looking imputs to continur living. Birds will fly away from their nests with and empty stomach looking for food to feed themselves and their young offsprings. Other creatures will do the same, with the exception of some like the owl and the bats, which hunt their food during the night and rest themselves during the day.

The change of activty at dawn may pose some danger to us which we may not be aware of. That is why it is proposed we rely on Allah to safeguard us from these dangers.

Is may be just like early morning traffic in the big cities where every body starts rushing to be out of their homes for work or doing other errants. Could we see the havoc they create on the roads?

These are the "mischiefs" created by humans. What about the other mischiefs originated fron the effects of the darkness? By humans and non-humans. We do fear the darkness and its effects.

So God, help us. We are dependent on Him for guidance and protection. As He iwho cherish the world and The provider.

We also seek Allah's protection againt the mischief of humans and the jinns who practices their black magics.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

114. AN - NAS


114. AN - NAS


We have to confirm and rely on Allah who charish the universe, privider of everything for mankind. And for free.

He controls everything and all are within His sights and knowledge. He knows every leaf that falls from trees and all the whereabouts of all livings and dead. In fact none is within the knowledge of Allah.

Allah is the only one that we prey to seek forgiveness and guidance. We are dependent on Him.

It is aslo He that we seek help against the mischief and whispers of Syaitan and its associates. And the whispers that stays in our hearts of human and the Jinns.

The Syaitans and its associates are enemies of men which at all times seek ways and means, to deviate humans from tha right path set by Allah. So humans have to be always aware of its whispers and tricks leading us the the wrong path.

Syaitans hate hearing that Al Quran and the Azan (player calls). Reading the Al Quran and the azan will cause them to disappear fron our sight. But be mindful that they are ready to come back to you to deviate you to follow them, to Hell.

Their associates were mainly humans and jinns.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010



Justify Full

1. Al-Fatihah


Before we do anything in life we have to remember and mention the name of our God, Allah the most Grecious and The Merciful. He supplied every thing we need in life and indeed for free.

Therefore we have to praise Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of our universe. Everything available in the universe are for us to utilise and of course to use them with due care and prudence and to be shared accordingly.

Allah is the Master on the Day of Judgement when every man and jin will be judged by their deeds in life, what they have done and what they have not done (the rights and the wrongs).

This is not a difficult task for Allah as all our doings in the world is being registered in a "book" and the book will be given to us on the Day of Judgenment. All the good deeds will be rewarded and all the wrongdoings be punished accordingly.

Therefore mind our doings as not to offend Allah. Also do not offend other beings be it human, animals or other creations of Allah. If ever we do, we need to seek their forgiveness so that on the Day of Judgement we free free of any wrongdoings.

It is only Allah that we prey to and seek guidance and assistance.

Allah need not assist us directly. He may guide or "send" his army of creatures like the worms, ants, dogs, cats, flies and others to help us remove unwanted waste and dead rodents in our compound, for example.

Or when your car breaksdown, He may send someone unknown to you to assist you. Allah has planted some kind of love ini that someone's heart just assist you. Others may just look and drive away.

We thefore seek Allah's guidance to lead us to the straight path.

The path favoured by Him and not the path of these that He dislike and the path of theose whose are lost.


Surah Al Fatiha is a surah that is mandatory to be read during the five daily prayers. Otherwise the prayer is incomplete and therefore, unacceptable. What a waste when the prayer has no value.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010



Semua nikmat yang dirasai oleh manusia datangnya dari Allah, disediakan bagi manusia hambaNya dan makluk lain ciptaanNya.

Tetapi ramai kita terlepas pandang nikmat tersebut.

Dan nikmat tersebut sentiasa bertambah saban hari. Ianya disediakan untuk manusia makluk Allah. Juga makluk2 yang lain yang dijadikanNya.

Setiap tahun bagi mereka yang makan gaji, gajinya akan naik. Inilahlah nikmat Allah. Allah boleh menahan berlakunya kenaikan gaji dengan berbagai cara, termasuklah menjadikan ekonomi meleset menyebabkan pendapatan yang menguncup atau pengurangan nilai gaji (walaupun ianya naik). Secara sama ada gaji tak naik atau harga barangan yang meningkat menyebabkan kesusahan kepada mereka yang tak bersyukur.

Salah satu nikmat Allah yang sangat besar maknanya ialah nikmat Iman. Kerana nikmat iman ini membawa banyak faedah dunia dan yang lebih penting lagi ialah faedah akhiratnya. Manusia yang beriman hidup di dunianya secara yang amat tenteram sekali walaupun hidupnya sederhana mahupun susah.

Manusia yang tidah beriman hidupnya adalah tanpa maana dan di hari akhirat nanti akan bertambah merana. Walaupun ia bekerja kuat tapi tiada faedah baginya se.gala usahanya kerana tiada nilainya di sisi Allah.

Semua kesenangan hidup dan kemudahan yang diperolehinya adalah bayangan bawaan syaitan. Di akhirat nanti mereka merana kecuali jika mereka sempat mendapat hidayah Allah dan bertaubat dan melakukan segala perentah Allah dan menjauhi laranganNya.

Menyatakan nikmat Iman dan Islam. Sebelum menganut ugama Islam mereka (penduduk Yasrik) berperang dan bermusuhan srsama sendiri. Akan tetapi apabila datangnya Islam masyarakat yang mermusuhan itu menjadi aman damai dan bersaudara saling bantu membantu menikmati hidup yang aman damai.

Sebelum datangnya Islam mereka hampir memasuki jurang neraka. Datangnya Islam telah mengelak mereka jatuh ke neraka tersebut. Inilah nikmat Islam.

Islam telah menyelamatkan rakyat Yasrik dari kehancuran. Ianya akan terus menyelamatkan manusia sepanjang zaman.


Nikmat iman dan Islam juga akan menempat mereka yang taat pada Allah dan yang menjauhi larangannya ke dalam Syurga bersama nabi-nabi dan mereka lain yang beriman.


Nikmat Allah tidak terbatas dan melimpah ruah, semuanya disediakan untuk manusia dan lain-lain makluk Allah.

Segala nikmat Allah perlilah kita zahirkan dan tunjukkan. Dan perlu kita nyatakan kesyukuran kita dalam kalbu kita, dalam percakapan kita dan di dalam perbuatan kita.
Tunjukkan kesyukuran kita dengan menurut segala perintah Allah dan meninggalkan laranganNya.

Manusia pada satu ketika dulu tidak pun ujud dan tidak dikenali. Kemudian Allah jadikan mereka untuk melata di muka bumi dengan segala kemudahan disediakan untuknya hidup dengan sesempurnnya. Mengapa pula mereka berlaku sombong dan ingkar?

Dan nikmat inilah yang kita minta dikurniakan Allah ketika kita sembahyang yang kita ucapkan setiap rakaat sembahyang kita. InshaAlah dimakbulkan. Alhamdulillah.


Petikan dari Radio IKIM FM (diubahsuai)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


SURAH 097 AL-QADR (Kemuliaan)


1. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan (Al-Quran) ini pada Malam Lailatul-Qadar,

2. Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui apa dia kebesaran Malam Lailatul-Qadar itu?

3. Malam Lailatul-Qadar lebih baik daripada seribu bulan.

4. Pada Malam itu, turun malaikat dan Jibril dengan izin Tuhan mereka, kerana membawa segala perkara (yang ditakdirkan berlakunya pada tahun yang berikut);

5. Sejahteralah Malam (yang berkat) itu hingga terbit fajar!

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99. AZ-ZALZALAH (Kegoncangan)


1. Apabila bumi digegarkan dengan gegaran yang sedahsyatnya,

2. Serta bumi itu mengeluarkan segala isinya,

3. Dan berkatalah manusia dengan perasaan gerun; “Apa yang sudah terjadi kepada bumi?”

4. Pada hari itu bumipun menceritakan khabar beritanya:

5. Bahawa Tuhanmu telah memerintahnya berlaku demikian.

6. Pada hari itu manusia akan keluar berselerak dari kubur masing-masing untuk diperlihatkan kepada mereka balasan amal mereka.

7. Maka sesiapa berbuat kebajikan seberat zarah, nescaya akan dilihatnya dalam surat amalnya!

8. Dan sesiapa berbuat kejahatan seberat zarah, nescaya akan dilihatnya dalam surat amalnya!

Tags: Az-Zalzalah, Madinah

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Percubaan manipulasi gambar dari SPM/TV1

Cubaan menukarkan Gambar Bergerak dijadikan Gambar Tetap. Alhamdulillah, berjaya nampaknya.

Kalau tak cuba manalah tahu!

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